Do you look at your computer and sigh, remembering the days when you pressed the On switch and it just worked? Is your computer like me and getting slow and sluggish in its old age? What if we told you that we can help you with all these problems? If something is not quite right with your computer or its peripherals we have a wide range of services to restore your computer to its former pep and speed. Scroll down for more info on the services we provide.
Purchasing a new computer can be a daunting experience, will it work with all of your existing equipment, how do I get all of my accounts setup, where are all my photos? It’s enough to make a non-computer person feel completely overwhelmed and put it off. We can help! We’ll talk you through all of your options and make sure you get something that's in your price range. Protecting your data is our main focus, we'll ensure that you accounts and data are all moved over to the new equipment. We'll even install it in your business or home to make sure you printer prints and your Internet Internets.
Your new computer looks so shiny and perfect when you first power it on, there’s just one tiny problem, where's my email and my photos, your new PC is blank. We can help you move all the data from your old computer to your new one. We’ll save you a lot of time and make sure you don’t lose any valuable files with our handy data transfer service.
If you've got a more serious issue where your computer is not recognizing your hard drive or you've accidentally deleted files we can help. We've got a great track record of recovering data from devices that others would assume are seemingly ready for the recycler.
Using old software on a new computer is a waste of your computer’s true potential. Worse, old software can become unreliable and unstable and even a security risk over time. If you are putting up with old software which doesn’t quite meet your needs or expectations, get in touch with us. We’ll go through your whole computer, updating and upgrading your software for you. We’ll also talk with you about your computing needs and give you good guidance on how to get the best bang for your buck. Interested in getting the latest software on your machine? See how we can upgrade your software.
Oh the endless number of ways you may think your computer has a virus, maybe you’ve suddenly started seeing pop-up ads, or your web-browser has started redirecting to alarming Websites, or your computer has been slower than usual. Whatever the reason, it’s often scary to find out that your computer may have been infected with a virus. You may wonder if it will be possible to remove the virus or if you’ll just have to wipe the hard drive and lose all of your personal data. We can remove most viruses and malware quickly, allowing your computer to operate normally again.
In the chance that a scammer has had remote access to your computer, we can scour your PC for remote software, and other malware the scammer may have left behind. If you suspect this has happened, it is important to shut your computer down, so that it is not connected to the internet, and bring it to us so we can clean your PC.
Things can go wrong with a any computer, we’ve seen it all, we're experts at figuring out what piece of hardware is going wrong and how to fix it. If you’re experiencing problems with your computer, we’ll run a free diagnostic and give you a clear estimate. When we take a look at your computer you can have peace of mind that you’re not going to end up spending a lot more on a new computer when a simple hardware fix will do the trick.
Sometimes your problem may not be that your computer is broken. It may just be that something is not quite right. You might find that it’s slower than it used to be. Perhaps it’s beginning to crash more often. Maybe you’re beginning to get weird pop-up windows appearing on your screen at unusual times. None of these annoying little problems are things you should have to put up with. They’re all issues that can be fixed with a bit of tinkering and tuning. We’ll run a complete diagnostic on your computer and tune up any of those annoying little problems for you. We offer a complete tuneup service.